Personal Guidence

An individual matures, she moves from childhood where parents are holders of all truth, to an organization who speaks for god, to other teachers and gurus who "really" know the way. Many stay stuck in the path dictated by others. A mystic remembers that the Divine landscape is Hidden below the forms we see. Stewarded by Beings of love, patience, commitment and integrity, we can each find our truth.

A Mystic's View. May it inspire your journey into the Divine below the forms

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Now, the Bigger Questions!

To the Heart of the Matter, "The qualities of my Spiritual teachers are.... "

Last posting I suggested that you can work with your Spiritual team around simple, daily concerns. That is certainly what was most pressing for me when I began in 1970.

There was an additional line of questioning that opened when I began my spiritual energy work to assist individual's transforming/healing the patterns that kept them small. One of those questions was, "What would be the best place to be in order to go through the Earth changes that are coming?" Now, this was in the mid- 1980's and Edgar Cayce's visions of Earth movement was expanding.

We are in similar times, only now it is the Mayan Calender, financial collapse and Occupy challenging the "norm". The question still is a valid one. "How do I keep myself and/or my family safe during the chaos and possible escalating of local conflict?"

The answer I get is same today as it was in the 1980's. "You decide." My Spiritual team as always been very clear that my life is in my hands. What do I want to experience? What do I want to let go of? What do I want help with? You get the idea.

They were never supportive of the idea that some force outside of my own conscious choice was in charge of my journey and had to be placated, begged, manipulated in order to change my path. With that in mind, their answer was perfectly understandable. "You declare how you go through changes, any changes, and that will give us permission to assist you. If you expect difficulties, then we must bring you into situations that will be difficult. If you expect benevolence, even during difficult times, then we can move you into places that are supportive. So, the answer is, You Choose."

The way that I have used to make choices is with a process my Spiritual Teachers and I created together. I call it the Reality Shift. It is more powerful than affirmations as it addresses the energy patterns in all Earth dimensions, body, mind, spirit, emotion. It also engages the help of your Spiritual healers/teachers. Here are the steps:

1. Write a statement/declaration of the end result you chose. In this case: "I have moved through life changes and earth chaos easily, effortlessly and with the clear help of my Spiritual team." (you can see that is very much like an affirmation.)

2. Then, you give your Spiritual team a command and request: "Please move my energy fields and consciousness and all to whom I am connected in Love into this declared reality."

3. The next step is commanding the healing of old patterns, most you are totally unaware of:  "And TAG and Transform anything that is, has or would keep us from that declared reality."

Read through those three steps often for the first week. What is important after that is to go to your sacred space and communicate with your team. When everything looks like the world is falling apart, go to them and ask, "Is there a place that will be safer for me and/or my family than where I am living now?" "Is this chaos dangerous?" "Are those of Light behind what looks like chaos?" "What steps do you suggest I take for the wellbeing of my family and self?"

There are some who are saying that the "green light" has been given to those of the Light. What that means in those circles is that those forces of "Light" who are ready to majorly cleanse and clean will now enter the picture of our world events. That will look like escalating conflict/chaos. How to see beyond the media? With your Spiritual team. Having a month's supply of food, water and cash has long been suggested. Is that a suggestion that your team supports for you?

We are living in times in which what is below the surface, hidden in the shadows of entrapping structures, may be the force of Light that will infuse or even activate your own Divinity.  In that case, having a way to be in tune with the Light would be very valuable.

Exciting times ahead!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Questions, Big and Small

When you are thinking about creating a relationship with a team in Spirit, you don't have to assume that your questions must be earth shaking. What is your life about? How to save humanity or what is the best approach to take with your children's food allergies?

When I began, my questions were mainly about my children. I didn't have a community that I felt could advise me. In addition, my curiosity was really in gear. What was this process? Who is on the other end of my "prayer"? How long would I have a connection for answers? Stuff like that.

I know one person who had experienced a was wrong from sitting on a couch which wore it out to eating butter (saved for the dad) instead of the margarine. As a parent, there was a sense that everything that his/her child did was wrong. Isn't that what his/her father had enforced?

So, having an intelligent answer giver to turn too before he/she meted out punishment changed how this adult worked with his/her child. Before learned to get answers from Spirit, when his/her child did something that was deemed wrong in his/her childhood home, the natural reaction learned from father kicked in. Punishment. After learning to ask beyond the taught behavior, this adult began to learn new ways of seeing children and added skills that created better relationships in the family.

Life is about small things that occur over and over again. I did a lot of sewing for my children. I visited the fabric stores and often, I would hear a little voice, "That lace is on sale. Buy some of it."  Or my attention would be drawn to some decorative buttons and I would hear, "Buy a couple cards of those." Because money was tight, it was a stretch to buy the extra's when I didn't know why. Most often I did because I was curious as to what would happen. Without exception, those items would be just perfect for some garment or project. And those times that I passed up the suggestion, I regretted it because it would have made my sewing project over the top great!

There were many times when my Spiritual team gave me directives that lead nowhere. When I asked, they answered, "We are practicing. There is going to come a time when listening and following may save your life or the life of others. We are learning to work as a time now while there is relative calm."

You get the picture?

The place to start is with the qualities that your Spiritual teachers must have or they cannot come into your space. Then, get a notebook and begin. I will talk next time about what to do if you find a resistance or no communications. That is all part of the journey also. There are more intelligent beings available to you in the unseen Spiritual realm than you can even imagine.

We are working our way to sovereignty and a resonance to our original Soul of Intelligence.

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Greater Web of Life

 "The best thing for being sad," Merlin says, "is to learn something. That is the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honor trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then—to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing which the mind can never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting."

There has always been an underlying web of energy that gives us all life. All of life exists on the web, some in physical bodies, some in etheric bodies, some in galactic bodies. Some are two legged, some are four. Some are winged ones and others glide the bodies of water. Some life intelligence forms as air, some as water, some as earth, some as mineral and some as fire. Intelligence, vibrancy, consciousness exists within the web and emerges in great diversity. The web not only supports us, it infuses us and holds us. I give it the name of GOOD for that is its nature and quality. It is our very Selves at an energy level

The internet, that we use in various ways, is a minor reflection of this greater web of life. The internet is something that we accept, use, and understand to some degree. The greater web of life may seem very removed from us and so the internet can help us see this life web with new eyes. These energetic webs, both the internet and the underlying web of life, have unlimited information, creativity, inventiveness, vitality running through them. There are also streams of energetics that dampen hopes, and diminish GOOD. One must be discerning.

I had promised to share some of the information that I received during my early years of making my own connections to the underlying web.

Well, here was two early bits. I wanted to hear the take of our life on the planet from my spiritual team. Two of the first questions that I asked returned answers surprised me:

What is the Divine Purpose for women in relationship with life on the planet?
What is the Divine Purpose for men in relationship with life on the planet?

I thought that I knew because of what I had heard from birth in the system of my religious community. And, I was practicing this new process of asking and listening by just trying out lots of questions.

So, here is what I was told.

The Divine Purpose for souls who incarnate into female bodies is to be the leaders, empowered to cause GOOD to manifest on this planet and cause an abundant, thriving society for the greater community. 
The chakra center from which the female was to function is the Solar Plexus, the belly wisdom. From this place she would have sensed what situations would have enriched and expanded the human family and which would not. Her job was to tell the difference and eliminate that which constricted. That would have allowed the natural GOOD to foundation all life on the planet.

What? To be the leaders? to handle power?

Yes, they affirmed.

Okay, then what about those souls born into male bodies?

The Divine Purpose was to hold, move and anchor the flow of the unlimited energy in order to to nourish the women and then the greater community. The male's mission was to be the nurturer for the family. The chakra from which the male was intended to function was the Heart, discerning where to bring his strength.

It took me about 6 years to totally understand these roles, the reason for them, results from the switch that was made around them and where we are today. Those roles are still true today.

New information is what is needed to shift from "what is" to "what can be."
 "... to learn something. That is the only thing that never fails.

It has worked miracles for me.


Monday, June 11, 2012

Who Gets YOUR Answers?

Going Beyond Fences

As a young girl, my answers to life were given to me by my parents, usually my dad. As a young woman, my answers were given to me by my religious leaders, usually men. As a young wife, I learned that my answers had to come from my husband, or at least to be approved by him. As a young mother, my answers came to me by my doctor or some book author.It wasn't until I was in my forties that I came to understand the model of "moon" path and "sun" path.

The moon has no light of its own. It gets all of it light from the sun. Just so with the "moon" path. When an individual feels that she has little to no knowledge or wisdom within herself or when an individual's life has taken a direction that is not satisfying, that individual will often took for an external someone or something for suggestions, for answers. That external searching is the definition of a "moon" path. It is often the example and inspiration of others that brings the information or support to help us change and, there is nothing wrong in that process. 

The call of a"moon" path teacher often sounds like this: "I have the answer." or "I can make your life better." or "I have information that you will not find anywhere else." Their information may be the very thing you need to move beyond your entrapment and begin the move in another direction. And there is nothing wrong with that either.

What is key is the "sun" path.

The "sun" path is really the purpose of not just the "moon" path, it is the purpose of our life. The"sun" path opens when an individual moves to the place on her/his path where the choice is to move beyond what the external voices know and say. It is the place where you look at what the fences of external voices have created for your life, the safety and the limits. It is when one discovers a way to hear the quiet voice that calls specifically for her/him from the great web of Intelligent Good. This is the place on your path when you hold hands with something greater than what you can see and touch to moves beyond the fences. This is when You begin to get answers for Yourself.

Those on the "sun" path still have conversations with "moon" path information. They may still check out the information from their inner wisdom with others. It is with this information that comes specifically for them that they build a strong view of life and their place in it. These are individuals who are truly clear and empowered. They can share their ideas with no need to convert others. They can listen to ideas with no need to diminish the other. They understand the value of diversity, the magic of the Now moment and the benevolent wisdom inherent in the greater web of Good.

There is no greater model from which to live your life!

What has your inner wisdom shared with you this week?

I will share some of my early teachings in the next blog..... interesting.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Struggling Alone

"If nobody shares they are struggling, nobody will know anybody else is struggling. That results in a bunch of people feeling isolated and scared and like big, fat losers."
Tara Hunt, CEO of

A life that has at its foundation the process of change is going to assure that individuals struggle at times. We all have challenges, changes, fears and doubts. How we move with these parts of our journey stretches, develops and determines our character. Such times allow us to search deeper for our own set of values from which to choose and act.

There seems to be a lot of individuals feeling alone, overwhelmed, and tired. I hear it in those who are mothers, those who are business owners, those who are CEO, those who are students, those who are facing health challenges and those who seem to have an easy life. You may be one of them. We have been raised in a culture that says, "work hard and you will succeed." We have survived by pulling ourselves up by the "boot strap" and doing it our self. We do not share our sense of loneliness and fear with others and the result is "that there is a bunch of people feeling isolated and scared and like big, fat losers."

As I look back over my life, the times that I felt most alone were the times that I was being "called" to spend time with my spiritual team. If I recognized the loneliness as that type of call and went into my sacred place for an hour or so to listen, I came away rejuvenated, enlightened, inspired. If I tried to change my sense of alone by external means, even visits with friends, the feeling remained.

Is it possible that we are being called, in mass, to develop our connection to that greater field of intelligence that knows, sees, understands beyond our physical ability and vision?

I believe that it is. I believe we are being called to spend regular time in the company of spiritual family members whose qualities and insights would guide and enhance our lives.

How about making a commitment? Buy a journal or notebook. Set aside an hour for quiet time. Complete the statements as to the qualities of your spiritual teachers and the qualities of your interactions with those in the unseen regions of our world from my June blog, To The Heart of the Matter. And begin your own "research" project.

Ask one question. Listen as if on one end of a phone. Write what comes into your mind without judging... the writer's mind. When there is an end to the words. Go back to your question and read the words that came to you. Do they meet the quality criteria?

You may not get words. You may have pictures, symbols, colors or even smells. Each of us have ourr own language with spirit and that language is discovered with time spent in conversation.

When you are ready, you may be lead to classes, books, movies, teachers to help you refine your conversations. The journal will be a great assist in tracking where you began, what you are being taught, and your own questions along the way.

Lonely?  No more!
Alone? Not again!

Confused? Not now! 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Are All Voices from the Unseen Equal?

There is a very important reason that I am sharing my journey with unseen voices from beyond physical with you. I have felt like an explorer, a scientist, a researcher on this path. I had thought to share some the interesting and funny ways that my spiritual team worked with me during the early years. Maybe to share some of their answers to basic questions. However, I am going to jump to the place I am today because of the journey.

About 16 years after I did my first scripture read and kneel down, I saw that in spite of individual desire to be in community, a valued relationship, a stable financial environment, life was becoming more and more difficult. The standard answer was that we were dealing with onion layers, dysfunctional patterns on top of dysfunctional patterns. I didn't like the onion layer answer any better than I liked the answer that I was supposed to be patient with "god's" plan for me. I wanted to know why humanity seemed to be stuck in dysfunction, addiction, and pain.

And so, in 1989 I asked two questions beyond my questions about my children. I asked, "What is the cause of the pain of humanity?" "Where can I go to learn about releasing the cause?"

Those who are in spirit/unseen bodies are every bit as individual as those you see in your waking life. There are some with accents, some with great humor, those with no-nonsense answers, those who are gentle and variances beyond those.

Also, there are many in the unseen world who have lived on the planet, died in pain, in anger, in guilt and who do not move into their next phase. I call these Earth-bounds. Their answers are not what you are looking for. They will only add to your own personal pain, anger, quilt, etc.

There are some who have refused to move on and stay within the earth fields to play havoc with any who opens unknowingly to them. Their answers and directives that cause confusion, fear, harm and danger. Of course, you do not want them as members of your team.

I have my students write and complete the statements from my June 3rd blog, To the Heart of the Matter, to attract the type of individuals and information that is highest and best for you. There is nothing more basic and important in this journey than those two statements.

I realize that my previous 16 years have given me a very solid foundation of trust and knowing of my team and this journey. Those years were a gift and a time of learning, trying, and testing. It has deepened my knowledge of those worlds. I invite you to hold onto my knowing while you build yours.

There is a lot of pain, loneliness, confusion, depression, overwhelm in our world today. We often hold those aspects of ourselves in and never share them. Then, we are left feeling isolated and alone... losers while everyone else seems to be winners. Not so..... It is this escalation that has prompted my blog.

I will speak of those feelings next time.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

To the Heart of the Matter...

It has been 42 years since I served the pie and ice cream and stepped beyond my religious community's male boundaries and "spoke with 'god'".  I sometimes think of what my life would be like if I had obeyed the external voices and stifled my own internal voice of excitement.

My view of the world would be very limited. My children would have a very small box for their dreams. I could have blamed "god" for my pain. I would not have to take responsibility for independent choices and actions. I could have joined the army of women in that community who use Prozac instead of questioning. I would have no way of walking through the chaos in the world today.

I would look out over the world of conflict, duality, chaos, and differences as a world full of landmines set to destroy. I would feel confused by life experiences that bring pain to those who obey "god" and with no where to go with my questions, my doubts and my fears of such a deity. I would have to take "that is the way "god" wants it", for the answer and be encouraged to remain faithful to such a dictating "god".

I would not know the extensive community of intelligent, creative, hope filled, caring beings in physical bodies who see beyond all boxes. And I certainly would have had no contact with the greater teams of expansive evolution beyond physical bodies. I would not have had the experience of deep struggles for personal answers that gave greater understanding and compassion. I would not see the "other" as a member of my greater family. I would not see that we are simply having unique experiences that we can share with one another.

I can truthfully say that nothing has been more meaningful in my 71 years of life than the night that I followed my own curiosity and served pie and ice cream to the men.... very slowly.

About 8 years after I began taking my questions to a greater Intelligent Being for answers, one of the major male leaders in my birth religion spoke to our community. He said, "It has become rather popular for some of our youth to use meditation and prayer as a way to seek answers for their lives. I am sent to tell you that you are not to go to any intelligence beyond your local leaders with your questions. There is great power in that process and the common folk are not prepared to utilize it. That right is not given to you." I could not believe my ears! I wanted to scream, "Then teach them how to use it. Teach correct principles and they will learn to govern their own lives with wisdom and grace." And, of course, I did not. I was only a woman.

And so I taught those who came to me the principles of personal guidance.

I have them begin by writing and completing these statements:

"The qualities of my Spiritual Teachers are: _____________________________________. "

"My experience with Spiritual Teachers brings me: ________________________________."

I was told that there would come a time when people would need to have connection to something greater than the world's information. A time when in order to see their way, to find places of community, of rational actions and to walk in truth, they would have to hear directions for their lives through there own inner "team".  I believe we are in that time and I encourage you to begin listening.

Friday, June 1, 2012

I Decided to Try What?

2 years old and all is well

As a young child I must have driven my parents a bit crazy with my questions because one thing I remember my father saying to me was, "Sharon, you know what curiosity did.... ". I think it was a way to gently stop my questions. And it was effective.

My attention was focused on life options for girls that my community held. I took over the yard maintenance to earn church awards. I tended children to practice "mommyhood". I avoided any "appearance of evil" which meant that I interacted with other children in our church community and did not question ideas or rock the boat.
Actually, my childhood was rather simple and easy. I didn't sense the limits imposed on girls and women as restrictive. I didn't know that being groomed to be a wife, mother, maybe a teacher or nurse to serve others, stopped any personal ideas, extensive use of my mind and my creative potential. My world was small and I was unaware. I did not wonder about angels, spiritual guides, personal growth, or my purpose in life. My purpose was to listen to the men as they knew what "god" had in mind for me.
It was in the fall of 1970. Perhaps, after 10 years of changing diapers I was a bit bored and my curiosity resurfaced. I did not know that I was in a walled world when I served that pie and ice cream to my husband and his friend.
What the friend had to share was really very easy to remember. I didn't even need to rush from the room to write it down. However, before going to bed, I did.

Simple instructions:
  1. Decide on a time and place where you can have quiet and be alone for about one hour. Take a notebook and pen with you into this space.
  2. Read the scriptures until you feel your mind move from the busyness of your everyday focus to one of calm.
  3. Kneel down and tell "god" all that you want "him" to know. Get everything off of our chest.
  4. Then, ask "him" one question. This is a question you will want to get ready before hand.
  5. Sit quietly as if you are listening on a phone for the person on the other end of the line to talk.
  6. Write down everything that comes into your mind.
Well, those were the steps. The ones that I added because I was a woman:
  1. Only ask questions about my role as mother.
  2. Read the answers with these questions in mind, "Is this something that I would expect to hear from Christ?" and "If I apply this directive, would it create greater love and compassion?"
I gathered myself into the quiet of a free afternoon, followed the process and Magic! It was like a floodgate opened. Words filled my head faster than I could write!

What was surprising is that when my husband tried, he was met with only silence.

That afternoon was only the beginning. I learned so much along the way that I would like to share, to encourage and to shorten your journey back to your Soul. We need those connections in our world today.
