However, those of us with a bit of the energy of Gemini keep looking around and gather bits and pieces of information that seem disconnected.... at first. Then, Bingo! the pieces become dots on the paper and when lines show up that connect them, we have another model.
So, one dot says: He who controls the money wins.
Here is another dot: Energy links us all.
And another: Energy, as a life force, flows abundantly and without limits to us from Home.
Or, another one: It all begins in Energy.
And still another: Money is only energy.
Than another: Your words and thoughts impact energy.
And: Physical form manifests according to constructs in the unseen energy worlds.
So, if energy is where everything begins, and energy can be impacted by an individual's words and thoughts, then s/he who owns energy is the one who wins. Make sense?
It is becoming clearer and clearer that the energy that becomes money is not evenly distributed. How can I say that? Well, look at the concept that all energy that becomes money is together in the beginning, like this chocolate bar.
Then look at the end result, the physical form here in the United States of America.
At the present time, the discrepancies between those who are paid the highest and those who are paid the least is about 400% and rising. There are 85 individuals in the world who have as much wealth as the 3.5 billion "rest of us".
If we cut the chocolate bar to represented the financial wealth distribution currently on the planet, the piece that the 3.5 billion have to share might look like this:
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3.5 billion share the small piece and the crumbs. | (not to scale) |
Then, those 3.5 billion are told that they are in lack because there is lack in the world. In addition it is their fault. They are not working hard enough, they are "takers" and not doing their share to generate their own financial wealth.
So, consider the dots. Energy links us all. Energy, as a life force, flows abundantly and without limits to us from Home. "It" (physical forms) all begins in Energy. Money is only energy. Your words and thoughts impact energy. Physical form manifests according to constructs made by words anchored in the unseen worlds.
Then when we look at the chocolate bar, we have to acknowledge that there is a distribution flow problem in energy. There must be some kind of diversion that is creating a flow directed to a very few and that the energy from Home meant for all of us, has been highjacked!
What can be done about that? Well, a Radical Mystic is the perfect one to ask... as well as anyone who has become proficient in working in the unseen fields of energy to change their life.
Many years ago, my friend Dorothy, began an movement called, The Peace Clock. It went around the world among those who knew the power of thought and prayer on the greater field of unseen energy. Everyone was asked to take 5 minutes every day at noon to stop and vision peace. In that way, there could be an ongoing focus on our world for peace. It continued for several years.
There are additional pieces that a comes with A Mystic's View. One is what the chocolate bar shows us. The energy intended for the use of our Greater Family of Good has been usurped by those who are using it for their own benefit without regard for the entire web of life. The second is that we masses have bought the long touted concept that we are "powerless" to change "it".
A Mystic says, "No! we are not powerful, we have been deceived and lulled into a state of denial with a few crumbs of the chocolate bar.
So, are you ready to try the Mystic's Clock for abundance, peace and return to experiences of Good?
Here it is:
The energy flow must be taken back from those who diverted it at its beginning! It was created through our choice to extend from Home. It exists because of us and for our experiences of thriving. We can take it out of the hands of the usurpers, have their diversion system removed and surround each energy nano-intelligence securely by invoking the presence of the Red Rock Energy vortex within our life-force energy stream.
Will you commit to a 5 minute command/visualization at least once a day at noon, your time zone?
Here are the statements to speak, focus on and visualize:
"Our Divine Life Force of Good flows through the Sun secured within the Red Rock Vortex energy. "Our Divine Life Force is for the exclusive use of our Greater Galactic family in experiences of Benefit, Beauty and Balance.
"Our secured Life Force of Good flows sovereign, free, unending to bring abundance of our Good to the Galactic Family Soul members."