Personal Guidence

An individual matures, she moves from childhood where parents are holders of all truth, to an organization who speaks for god, to other teachers and gurus who "really" know the way. Many stay stuck in the path dictated by others. A mystic remembers that the Divine landscape is Hidden below the forms we see. Stewarded by Beings of love, patience, commitment and integrity, we can each find our truth.

A Mystic's View. May it inspire your journey into the Divine below the forms

Parasitics and Other Invaders

Three streams of energy exist: Love, Chaos, Evil
It has long been held that there are only two energy streams in our world, love and fear. Metaphysicians, personal growth mentors, New Age teachings, traditional healing and meditation models have used this model. Some examples are: Where Love exists, there can be no Fear. Change your world of fear and lack by changing your mental constructs of Love. Focus on Appreciation/Love and your life will change.

This was the model I knew when I first put my foot on the path of energy, spiritual, hands on healing in 1989. The additional experience that I brought to this beginning was 16 years of teachings from my Spiritual team that I called The Ancient Ones.

I found that changing the unseen energy fields of the human body, balancing and nourishing the chakra system and hands on sessions added value to affirmation work. However, I sensed such a depth of negative storage and patterning that I wanted a faster way to Wholeness for my clients. When asked where I could go and learn to go to the "Cause of Humanity's repeating patterns of pain", I was told that it wasn't being done on this planet. Additionally I was told that too much of our greater history had been lost or hidden that if I wanted to do this deeper work, I would have to bring the history back through the teachings of The Ancient Ones who held that knowledge. Of course, I said "Yes!" not knowing exactly what that would mean.

What I was eventually shown was that what we werea being told about Love and Fear (duality) is not the truth. Those two streams of energy were not individually created and Fear/chaos could never be eliminated from our personal life by a personal choice.

Yes, WE inserted a chip that created chaos into our Divine Life Stream of Good/Wholeness. With that insertion, we had experiences of Balance/Imbalance. Wholeness/Disruption. In simple terms we call it Love and Fear or duality. The chip inserted worlds ago caused a continuos stream of chaos until it was not removed until 2001. Duality of Chaos was not an individual problem. It was a Group agreement left in place too long. The impact of that chaos frequency chip is hidden in the shadows of our lost history. And yet, that is why we as a Greater Family are on this Earth mission.

During that long ago time in worlds beyond Earth, our boundaries had become like Swiss Cheese because of the spontaneous chaos interruptions. And as the universal law states, Like Attracts Like.

Our Family's state of chaos/vulnerability attracted outside societies who feed on this energy. Eventually 15,000 outside societies whose agenda was usury had invaded our space either through conflict victory, through deceit, through overlaying devices while we were in weakened states or other ingenious means.

These societies have one thing in common, they are parasitic by choice.

By the time Earth was called into being, these parasitic "owned" us. We were a slave, entrapped family. Our mission to Earth was initiated in order to identify this energy that was taking away the life of our family, Evil, name it as such and declare its removal back to its home of origin. Unfortunately, our plan was discovered and replaced with many false ideologies that further entrapped our minds.

A major reason for the Mission I took on when I agreed to restore the history was to create the way to not just identify the presence of parasitics. Knowing that they exist among us does not lessen their impact or ownership. My mission was to create the place of authority from which we could demand their removal.

Evil is not centered in an individual. It is an energy, an agenda, purposeful activities that will diminish the ability to LIVE and reverse that natural unfoldment. The agenda of control over, use of others for any reason are indications of an Evil process. These outside societies have caused cultures and systems that human beings have accepted as normal and they are indeed taking away our very life.

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