Personal Guidence

An individual matures, she moves from childhood where parents are holders of all truth, to an organization who speaks for god, to other teachers and gurus who "really" know the way. Many stay stuck in the path dictated by others. A mystic remembers that the Divine landscape is Hidden below the forms we see. Stewarded by Beings of love, patience, commitment and integrity, we can each find our truth.

A Mystic's View. May it inspire your journey into the Divine below the forms

Sunday, February 22, 2015

D is for Discernment

Discernment Determines the Journey and Outcome
My last post talked about the Commonality that is destroying humanity. It is our tendency to be ”good soldiers” to suffer our pain, frustrations and fears with “patience” and in isolation.  We grit our teeth, take our anti-stress medications and keep “shouldering on” while we are dying inside and out. That is the Commonality that keeps us trapped. 

With that story we live on a no-win game board!

The plan for our Earth experience was that all concepts in the unseen fields, be they words, thoughts, or intentions, be manifested into our tactile world. That way, our Galactic Soul Family would be able to discern what was detrimental to our well being. Who made that plan? Our Soul family did. Why? Because concepts of domination, usury, self-absorption, greed, deceit etc. were hidden among us. We needed to pull our heads out of the sands of denial as their presence would spread and destroy all in the web of life.

And so, we come to Discernment.

Discernment requires awareness. With awareness we move out of the story that we must be patient, trust a ‘god’ to save us, keep our pains in silence and walk alone in our confusion and depression.

Discernment requires that we walk in the story of truth-telling, sharing and listening.

Discernment requires that we awaken to our ability to identify what enlarges our hearts, excites our mind, inspires our soul and what does not. “As a man/woman thinketh, so is s/he” and “by their fruits you shall know them” puts the responsibility for knowing what is of Good and what is of Destruction on us.

Discernment requires that we remember the law of manifestation and recognize that the violence, domination, usury, entrapment, deceit we see or sense in our selves, our families, our communities and our world have their distructive beginnings in the unseen regions of word, thought, intention. These concepts are not imposed by some ‘god’ to test us.

Discernment requires that once we recognize the words, the fruits and their results that we act. Act in what way? To keep ourself, our families, our community and our world safety aligned to our Divine Nature of Good. We included personal agency and free will into our plan for Earth to identify what harm and stand up. Our primary purpose is to remove all concepts that manifest to diminish life and command their removal back to their homes of origin.

What of the story that says, you world be interfering and then would be given painful karma if you step in to end another's downward slide. And I ask you, Who says that? Who benefits when we stand aside, click our tongues, wring our hands and then claim our stage of awareness and non-interference as 'evolved'. Those whose agenda is to dominate and use others, of course.

We are Ones. In a field of One, we ARE our brothers/sisters. We are the Ones we have been waiting for to declare truth and awareness of our Core Presence of Good.
Were we, intelligent, compassionate, generous, and magnificent Beings, designed to grovel in the dirt, pretend we do not see, hide our Light of Truth and Good under a barrel and pray for some external “god” to decide when the evil of domination, usury, will be removed from our midst? 


We are the Ones. We are the Ones and truth-telling to identify and remove evil is our stewardship. Discernment is our strengthen and responsibility. 

Three Steps for Discernment Walk:

  1. Be aware of what you are seeing, sensing within the world. That means seeing real time truth about the events and situations you or/and others are experiencing.
  2. Distinguish the underlying energy constructs of the manifested situations. For example, seeing violence increasing in the world, ask yourself these questions; "Does this violence reflect our Soul family's Agenda of Good for the Greater Web of Life?" or "Does this reflect an agenda of Domination?" or "Does this reflect an agenda of Parasitic usury?" If not of Good, then it is an energy idea/construct that is diminishing our Soul family. Discernment would indicate that violence has constructs not acceptable and they must be removed.
  3. Take time daily to speak with those of our Greater Soul Family in Spiritual bodies who are committed to the transformation of our Family and Worlds. They await your decree to remove the energies that are diminishing and destroying our family.
Easy steps to Activate Discernment Decrees:

Be in a spot where you will be uninterrupted for 30 + minutes. Cast Sacred Space before you Decree your Discernment.

  1. Affirm, "I am surrounded with the balance, protection and clarity in this space within the Sacred Ground Vortex. My Spiritual guides and their insight and intuition is clear, wise, discerning, accurate and aligned to Good.
  2. Align your energy bodies to be focused with this simple process. Sit in the silence and note what direction your physical body is facing.  Then notice what direction your mental body faces. Align the two bodies with eyes facing the same direction. Do the same with your emotional body and then the spiritual body.
  3. Take the awareness of any energy you discerns to diminish, whether in your life or in the news.
  4. You are now ready to act. 
  5. I speak to my Greater Soul Family's team of clearing and decree, "This situation (You can name the situation, i.e. increasing violence) is not acceptable. Remove all energy connected to it back to their homes of origin and seal this move with the power of Love.
This time of escalating destruction, disease, violence and greed is why we are on Earth. The primary mission was to make the unseen energy of Domination and Parasitic usury visible, not so that we would be caught in its structures. It was to be made visible so that we could easily Discern it's presence and decree its removal. 

There is no denying that the energy of Domination and Parasitic usury is out-picturing in our world.

Now, will you take up the assignment and with responsible Discernment command its removal back to the Homes from which it came?

Wonder what story is the truth of this adventure? Here it is....

Monday, February 16, 2015

C is for Commonality

I have some wonderful individuals in my world. They are strong, beautiful, loving, creative and fun loving human beings. It is within the various circles committed to hold, pray, and call for blessings for our families and world, that I have become acutely  aware of commonalities that run through humankind.
We often think about our common desires for love, for stability, for peace, for quality food, for what is good. What I have begun to notice is the common thread of pain, deterioration, struggle for finances, and unrelenting search for purpose. Another commonality is our acceptance of these situations as ‘normal’. We have accepted, "Earth is about pain, proving ourselves, and obedience". Are we so close to the trees that we do not see the forest? So close to each individual situation that we do no see the patterns, the bigger picture?

One thing that is unique about this planet is that energy slows in frequency in response to thoughts, words, intentions, and emotions. "As a man thinketh, so is s/he" has been affirmed by scientists and quantum physicists. Einstein theorized that matter is all related because it is all energy. Matter, what we call physical, is unseen energy slowed down in frequency. The governing law that says, “ask and you will receive” is purposeful. For most its purpose has been lost in the shadows of forgotten history. Because we have lost the original purpose, the power of manifestation is lost on us also. We are trapped with trees of pain and the tangle of wishes. We make up stories to explain our dilemma; avoid karma, suffer well, rewards await. Instead of using the power of manifestation as it was intended, we limp along in ever increasing experiences that harm our entire web of life and wonder why.

And so, what is the original purpose? It is a three-step process. 
  1. To see each situation or experience clearly
  2. To discern its impact as a situation that adds Good to life or  diminishes life
  3. To issue a command that the ”word” from which any diminishing experience be identified and removed entirely from our Galactic Soul family’s space back to its home of origin

The law of manifestation was not initiated on this world in order to expand you finances or bring you loving relationship. Manifestation was an intrigal part of this world design in order to make invaders energy visible and decree their removal. Our Greater Soul family included this aspect because we had become over run by invader, parasitic, power-over forces and they were destroying our family. We planned to make them visible in order to remove them and restore our energy fields to our sovereignty. That is the only action that would allow our Divine nature, which is Good, Love, Light, to re-emerge. 

If you have to struggle to make ends met or walk on eggshells in partnership, you are in experiences manifesting from outsider's thoughts. Their agenda is forming your life. If your physical body suit is in chronic pain and in deteriorating health, you are living out situations from the outsider’s agendas’ of entrapment and usury. If you look at money controlling politics, beneficial ideas going unfunded, or violence increasing you are seeing the purpose for the law of manifestation. By having a Law that caused energy to slow in response to word, thought, or focus, we see the agenda of outside societies. They had been hidden as they were influencing, using and controlling our Greater family. These outside agendas are the ‘cancer’ on this planet. Left unnamed, they will continue to cause death, destruction and despair.

The commonality is that humans all see and experience situations that inspire and encourage us. And we all see and experience situations that bring despair, destruction and death. And, in common, we suffer well, we give solace, we celebrate victories and we accept that this is ‘normal’. We have lost the original purpose of the law, The fruit and tree must reflect the seed. In losing that purpose, we have lost the wisdom and power behind the law of making the “word’ visible.
Restored To Your Soul.....

We manifest parking places while our world and families are destroyed.
Until we do not. Until we regain the story, re-member to the purpose, step back from the trance of the tree, wake up and see the forest.

The Law has been used by the outside societies to implant carefully crafted projects, concepts based on their agendas of usury and control. They have never lost touch that the end result begins in the unseen energy world of focused word and thought. They know that their desires can be strengthened and feed when they gather our un-channeled energies for their use. Our lack of knowledge and use of the laws serves them. They have turned our lack of awareness to their advantage and we are fueling our own demise with ourselves.

Until we are not. Until we break free of our stupor, until we question our stories. Until we recognize that manifestations do not lie. If despair, doubt, suffering, violence, rape exists in form, then there are concepts and projects in the unseen dimensions that exist also. And if concepts of harm and control and non-caring exist; they were created by social agendas not of our Greater Soul family. Then we can begin to see that since Good, Love, Light is all that our Soul family is, there are others hidden amongst us who no longer have the right or authority to perpetrate or impose their agenda on us.

At that point, you have regained the power and purpose of manifestations.
  1. You discern the ‘fruit’ situation or experience 
  2. Name it. Is it of the Good of our family or the Destructive agenda of invaders? 
  3. As one of the Soul family of Good, you step into a greater purpose and issue a decree with authority, “This concept, pattern has no right to be amongst my Greater family and must be returned to its home of origin!" 
  4. The entire hosts of Good will answer to remove them. 

With their removal, sovereignty is restored, our entire energy fields self-correct and balance within Good is restored. 
You want peace? Take up the purpose of Manifestation.

This is the commonality that will allow our world and family of humanity to shift into a world that reflects Good within the entire web of life.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

B is for Belief

Alchemy began our walk with mystic wisdom. 
Alchemy is to change one thing into another by conscious participation in the process.

Belief is our next step.

How many times have you heard, "This planet is for learning lessons". Or, "Just get the message of your pain and it will go away?" Or, "God does not give you more than you can bear." Or, "Suffer well and you will be rewarded."

Life on planet Earth was intended to be a reflection of the unseen energy fields. The environment of Earth was designed to cause the vibrations of unseen energy frequencies to slow down until they could be discerned by the senses within the physical body suit. It is important to understand the process.

On the process, the vibrations of the unseen we call Spiritual slow. When the frequency is slowed enough,  it is interpreted by the emotional system as feelings. When energy slows down a bit more, those vibrations are slow enough to be discerned by the mental system as thoughts, memories, ideas. When energy slows even more, the physical senses can interpret them with sight, hearing, feeling, tasting, smell. The only energy part of the entire spectrum that most human beings call "real" is that which is slow enough to be seen, heard, felt, tasted or smelled. We have lost memory of our intentions to discern what is in the unseen through our mental, emotional and spiritual body.

Until one embraces that all in your life is your story reflected, you are in the state of victimhood.

Situations that manifest in your life whether that is financial lack or cancer, they are not simply the result of negative thinking. Changing your beliefs is not the entire solution as anyone who has worked very hard to identify their negative thoughts, use affirmations, add new beliefs knows. When we expect that the Louise Hayes or Ernest Holmes approach to life alone will be the key to our wellness, we are functioning on the limited knowledge that has brought our world to this juncture point with death.

Don't be discouraged if you have found that using affirmations, staying positive, expressing appreciation has not turned your life around. The story of our present condition and therefore the way out is much larger than the story of "change your thinking, change your life."

I am attaching a link to an e-book that I have written for those with whom I work. It is important to know the story we are working within for it becomes a box with choices and outcomes.

If what you have been doing has brought you to a point of pain, sabotage and limits, you may want to examine other stories. Making a leap into a new consciousness may be just the thing that will unlock doors to you Good.

Click for My Story

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