Personal Guidence

An individual matures, she moves from childhood where parents are holders of all truth, to an organization who speaks for god, to other teachers and gurus who "really" know the way. Many stay stuck in the path dictated by others. A mystic remembers that the Divine landscape is Hidden below the forms we see. Stewarded by Beings of love, patience, commitment and integrity, we can each find our truth.

A Mystic's View. May it inspire your journey into the Divine below the forms

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

2015 and Time for the Real Story

Life is about STORY. Story drives choices and brings consequences.

Here it is, a new year, a time of new beginnings, new resolutions. Certainly one of the most important questions to ask oneself is, "What story am I living my life within?" And I mean the deeper, bigger story.

It’s 2015 and the consequences from the stories that humanity has lived within are showing up all around the world. The consequences of stories that you have lived within are showing up in your life every day.

As I contemplate this time for new beginnings, I know that those new beginning cannot occur unless there is a new story. Our actual history, agenda and purpose has been lost and kept from us for way too long. It is time to put the Greater Galactic Family story out for our world. 

In 1984, realized that the story I was given as a child may not be accurate. I learned that possibly “god” did not write a life plan that required my obedience with no wiggle room for input. Perhaps I had the ability to speak “my word” also. Perhaps my belief influenced outcome. So I shifted into research mode and tried those "perhaps" by using affirmations to change my mind and change my life. It worked and I had to reframe my story that "god" required total obedience to "his" plan for me.

I stayed in research mode as I asked for more direct conversations with those in unseen realms. As I had amazing conversations, my childhood story that "god" does not talk to women went by the wayside. I learned about hands on energy healing and chakra balancing and as my life shifted I had to make more change to my childhood story. Now I was excited and wanted greater, faster change for myself and my clients.

So I asked my Spiritual teachers to show me the “cause “ of humanity’s pain and how to transform that "cause". That is when I was told that the entire story I was living within was so limited as to be a major part of the ongoing cycles of pain, limit, despair and fear. The resulting roller coaster experiences were explained away by those writing books, giving lectures and appearing as experts with stories such as; learn lessons, be patient and that's the onion layer. We were told to learn to “ride” the waves.

Right off my Spiritual teachers said, "You think that you are dealing with the experiences of one world, Earth. In fact, you are dealing with the experiences of eight worlds, being totally unaware of the entrapment that occurred there. Humanity has made up false stories to try and make sense of the consequences. Until that actual history is restored, all humanity will remained trapped."

Now it is 2015. Humanity has lived within survival stories for generations and those stories can never move us into thriving. Survival is just that – survival. The path of survival leads to greater degrees of survival and greater degrees of survival until death occurs. Humanity is on the brink of death. You see it all around; death of spirit, death of resources, death of freedom, death of body, death of compassion, death of vibrancy.

All are the consequences of the stories Humanity have lived within.

It is time that you hear the story of our Greater Galactic Family. The story of our true Nature and Values, and the story of our actual Agenda. The story of our Relationships, our Purpose for Earth life, and the true story for Earth has been hidden from us.

Everything begins in a region of energy way beyond the form we know as Earth, seven world regions before Earth was even considered.

Some points in our actual history:

  • Our Home is a realm of Good, and our Family's Nature is all Good with Values that respect all.
  • The opportunity that drew our particular Galactic Family onto this adventure was the possibility to experience directly or vicariously the unlimited Good that is our Nature.
  • With that choice, billions of conciousnesses of Light/Good "birthed" into the 1st world. (God did not make us for His purpose or in His image)
  • In the 3rd World, personal group choice inserted a chip in order to experience spontaneous chaos/fear (In our state of balance and Good, we introduced chaos/fear in order to experience)
  • This experiment want awry and we became locked in repeating cycles of fear/love with ownership by parasitics. 
  • Our boundaries became like Swiss cheese and from that point on Evil outsiders entered our life stream and existed as real forces, although a foreign element.
  •  Earth is the 8th world away from our Original Home
  • Experiences and choices made in the 7 worlds before Earth was created had left us scarred, diminished, and in survival. Those experience have majorly impacted Earth life. 
  • Changing your story individually will never free you because you are locked into group minds choices and experiences in worlds 1 through 7.
  • The purpose of Earth and Earth mission force is to recognize and remove outsider’s evil presence (all the love, light, blue flame, gold light, etc. will not remove them from our energy fields.)
  • There have been components from our Galactic Family sent to free those on Earth mission. 
  • Once the evil of Outsiders is removed, our Galactic family can return to their original frequency and their original Agenda to experience all aspects of Good.
  • Our Galactic family's plan included systems of unlimited and abundant support.
  • The True purpose of gender has been hidden under the sexual chakra of mis-truth.
  • With evil recognized and removed, all patterns of survival/duality can drop away.
I am sure that these points make no sense to you right now. As 2015 unfolds, I will share more and more pieces for your consideration. One cannot expect new experiences and outcomes until we change our story. 

As Albert Einstein said, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

The challenge is to consider a new kind of thinking. Are you up for that?
You may be interested in my course, Becoming an Agent of Change. It give your information and concrete steps as to what to do in the face of a world gone crazy. Do not hide your head!

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  1. My heart is open to the truth and sharing that to serve the highest good of all.
    As a sensitive to energy my senses are attuning... Love you <3

  2. Dear Joanne... I know that we make up stories to give us some understanding of our experiences. As I asked my Spiritual teacher to take me to the "cause" of humanity's suffering, this is what I was given. An important aspect of story is that it foundations us and speaks of outcome. This information has helped me serve others in freeing them to Be the resonance of Good that they are. Thanks for considering...


Thanks for your comment. The insights we share is what expands our world!