Personal Guidence

An individual matures, she moves from childhood where parents are holders of all truth, to an organization who speaks for god, to other teachers and gurus who "really" know the way. Many stay stuck in the path dictated by others. A mystic remembers that the Divine landscape is Hidden below the forms we see. Stewarded by Beings of love, patience, commitment and integrity, we can each find our truth.

A Mystic's View. May it inspire your journey into the Divine below the forms

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Egypt Today and Women's Role

Today, August 14, 2013, I have watched bits and pieces of the live feed from Egypt. The conflict, violence continues to rage and escalate. Some are suggesting that the U.S.A. must stay out of this country's affairs and let them work it out on their own. I tend to agree.

However from a Mystic's View, I see with different eyes and that is what I want to share with you this morning.

The purpose of this physical planet was to live within a systems in which unseen energy vibrations could be made visible. Manifesting the unseen into the seen is the primary purpose here. Why? Because the unseen energy agenda whose components are domination, greed, oppression, usury, deceit, conflict, etc. had infiltrated our Greater Family in other worlds. Those acting on this agenda were taking away the vitality and vibrancy of our natural life stream to be used for their benefit leaving our Greater Family unbalanced, entrapped, constricted and close to death.

We had hoped that on a planet where the unseen domination energy was seen, touched, tasted, experienced, the Greater Family members would use the law, "Ask and you shall receive", to command that the domination agenda energy and all who where committed to it be returned to their home of origin. This would leave the planet clear for the manifestations of all aspects of our Natural Nature of Good.

Instead, those connected to the domination agenda introduced many lies. One was obedience as any cost. Then anyone who convinced others that he/she was somehow in a higher or divine position, could control the masses.

What does that have to do with Egypt?

We are seeing the result of the domination agenda, of the lie that says obedience as any cost rather then choice of Good for All. And there is something that we can do because there is an agenda and law that underpins this Earth project. The agenda is that this Earth was created for our Greater Family to identify and remove anything that takes or constricts Good for All. And the law says that everyone of the Family can speak truth, identify domination and ask for its removal from our space. Even more important is that the responsibility for designing space for the Good and then identifying energy that constricts was given to Family member souls choosing to birth into the Female body.

Here is what to do:

Make the time to go into a quiet space.
  1. Speak or think these words: "As a women, I, .(your name) claim ownership of the energy fields that are Egypt.
  2. The qualities that must infuse these fields are (you can name the ones your choose) i.e. generosity, listening to learn, valuing of diversity, systems for the benefit of all, stability, commitment to solutions driven by curiosity, innovation, and creativity. Safety is present for all."
  3. Give the command: "Surround this energy that is Egypt with the Red Rock Vortex energy of protection, healing and balance."
  4. "I ask that Spiritual PTO guardians fill the energy space with permission to identify, neutralize and remove any aspect of the energy agenda of domination back to its home of origin." 
  5. I speak these commands by right of my place as a member of the Greater Family whose divine nature and agenda is Good in all of its aspects and diversity.
  6. Egypt has become the leader in moving with grace, ease and divine assistance from domination and entrapment to our Greater Family's agenda of Diversity of Good.
  7. When you see, read, sense or hear of anything contrary to these commands, your response will be, "Not Acceptable". Those words will mark the actions, behaviors or words as reflections of the old domination agenda and will be given to the PTO removal team for action.
So Be it! 

What to expect:

That you will feel called to repeat these commands.
"Not Acceptable"will grow in power and your own sense of contribution will grow.
Our stream of Divine Good dissolves what seems impossible and opens doors where there were none. Without your request, the situation can only devolve into greater harm. With your request, new possibilities can be introduced.

It was intended that this world be molded by our hands and hearts. Now is the time!

Friday, July 19, 2013

We Are All One...

Air Elemental by iriloth2

How many times have you heard or read that?

"We are all One"...

What does that mean to you?

I can tell you how a mystic views "One" and "we are all It"..

As One immense field of conscious entities, at the level of soul we are inseparably connected. We are connected as core qualities, i.e. by One nature of Good, by One nature of intelligence, by One nature of Generosity/Love, by One nature of Vision, by one Nature of Respect. At the soul level of life/consciousness, we contain all that Good is in equal measure, in equal truth, in equal possibilities. As some have said, "We are all of the qualities of the ocean contained in various drops of the ocean water". Another model is breath and Air....Therefore, when a butterfly flaps its wings in one part of the world, there is a ripple felt around the world. When a thought is placed into the soul field, it ripples out to the entire.

At the level of soul, there are no stories, no judgements, no mind chatter, no assumptions, no inserted ideas or ideologies. When 'you' sit in the stillness, quiet in body, mind and emotion, 'you' taste the One soul nature which you are. Right? 

Beyond the inserted stories, concepts, ideologies that cause confusion, chaos, fear, lack and blame, the soul level flow of life force exists. The Oneness of the flow is the constant. It does not change. It does not cease. It does not bow to external stories, 'leaders', 'authority' voices, disruptive situations or doubts. The flow of our field of Oneness just IS all aspects of Good. There is no aspect within our nature of One to judge, control, dominate, dictate or withhold. Oneness as a Life Force flows, allows, witnesses, is constant, ever present with all possibilities of Good. We were filled with the breath of Good, the experience of One, of Isness. Our collective choice was to slow our life force frequencies in order to experience Isness more direct ways. 

We, humanity, are certainly on an adventure. The adventure was well defined as we began... to experience, directly and vicariously, any aspect of our nature. That is it... to experience any aspect of Good that we chose, for as long as we chose. And, to witness and vicariously experience aspects chosen by other of our co-conscious entities. In that agenda there is certainly a built in end result of diversity! Also built-in is respect and honor and excitement for diversity. 

To experience various possible Goods requires confidence in our knowing and freedom to change. To vicariously experience what others chose requires listening, observing, allowing, deeply enough to 'taste' the aspect of Good indirectly.

No place in our Nature of One, of Good is there space for what we see in the world today. No place in our Agenda to experience Good is there need for the external voices to 'dictate', 'control', or 'save' us. Our agenda did not include fear of differences, judgement for differences, or expectation that we would all be in the same aspect.  There was no concept that indicated that we/humanity, were sinful. All of those ideas have come about because we began to listen to external voices whose agenda was domination. Over the length of our adventure, we forgot our Nature and that experiencing aspects of Good contained in Oneness was ours. 

And so why is our Earth life so difficult? And how do we dream awake the bones of ourselves? 

Stay tuned...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Additions and Vulnerability

It began for me in 1971. 

That was the year I realized that when my religious community spoke of speaking to "God" it was an invitation. From the moment I first asked and listened, wonderful support, wisdom and guidance flowed. And those conversations have never stopped.

We all cry for a handbook for life.... Well, they ones who are holding that for you are in the unseen bodies in the field of Good. There is such a handbook, ask to understand how to access and use it.

My concept of "God" has changed over the years and my knowledge that there is a higher level of Intelligence and Wisdom available to us on our life journey has become rock solid. I have come to call that field of Greater Knowing by many names, "team", "Sacred Circle", "Mentors". What I am sure of is that these Beings are part of a greater flow that is All Good. Another concept that has deepened for me is that even though many of us are in limited physical body suits, much like moon suits of NASA fame, that same field of All Good is our true basic nature.

As a Mystic, I have had the opportunity to see what and where others do not. My view of life, life situations, connections and concepts may not reflect the view of those with only a physical view. In fact, much of what I know flies in the face of what many hold as "true." Hence this blog, A Mystic's View.

I have been intensely touched and called during the past several months around the issue that we label "addictions". It is my practice, when situations or issues are brought to my attention, to consider how they fit within my mystic view of this world, our lives, with the dangers and help we encounter. I have done the same with the issue of addictions.

Addictions come from out of balance energy. How the energy within an individual's fields became imbalanced is unique for each person. What is important is that when energy is imbalanced, one is vulnerable. The imbalance may take the form of physical injury, emotional upset, fear, control, blame, anger, etc. A big part of our life journey is to allow any old patterns, issues, concept that throw us into chaos-imbalance-fear to come up. Why? To learn that they are there and that they are ours. Then, to find the processes that work for us to release/heal the energy flow back to our true nature of All Good. Everyone born onto Earth will have cycles of imbalance as they release what is contrary to their nature and realign. Therefore, vulnerability is natural during the walk into Good.

However, being vulnerable on a planet that still swarms with unseen societies whose agenda is to use others for those society's gain heralds disaster! Why? because beings from these societies, parasitic in nature, will attach themselves to the imbalanced fields and feed off off the energy. Not only with they attach themselves, they create "mind tapes" to feed artificial thoughts of imbalance to the individual in order to preserve their hold and thereby continue their food supply.

What to do?

Be willing to experiment with this idea.

If there are unseen parasitic beings watching for imbalance in order to attach themselves and entrap, what for them, a food source, what would you do?

What about:
  • Create strong boundaries.
  • Ask and receive help from our access to our Greater All Good friends.
  • Ask and receive help to identify, neutralize and remove any current parasitic attachments.
  • Learn to identify personal imbalance as quickly as possible in order to release/heal the cause.
  • Be a seeker for processes that prove effective in deeply identifying and transforming personal patterns of fear/imbalance.
  • Speak this same level of protection, awareness, safety and healing for those you love.
Here is what I have used during the 18 years with this part of Earth life.

Realize that the law of this planet is to "Ask and receive." Often we have not known what to ask. Here are some asks that I have found effective.

  • Surround my energy fields and the energy fields of all of those I am connected to with Love with the Red Rock Vortex to balance, protect and heal.
  • The qualities of my Greater Friends are All Good, wisdom, true, strength, honesty, love, inspiration, etc.
  • Activate the Parasitic Removal Protocol within all of my energy fields and the fields of those I am connected to with Love.
  • Be aware at any sign is discomfort, i.e. emotional pain, old memories, trauma, physical pain, worry, fear, etc. and ask the your Greater Friends, "TAG and Transform" the cause of the discomfort.
  • Know that you are safe as you explore ideas and processes that will heal, balance and protect you on your life journey.
From my 30 years of experience in the field of energy healing, the best and necessary approach for situations such as addictions or physical disease is an integrated protocol. That means a purposeful plan that includes processes and professionals that bring a wide variety of skills. This protocol would preclude the shotgun, magic bullet approach and would be build by adding the various parts that address the entire field of body, mind, emotion, spirit.

Our world needs to look deeper as addictions in their many forms are killing.

Restored 2 Your Soul

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Red Pill - Blue Pill

The Matrix is a 1999 American–Australian science fiction action film written and directed by The Wachowski Brothers and starring Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Joe Pantoliano, and Hugo Weaving.
from wikipedia

It was in 1989 that I had decided to explore the impact of "energy healing" and "chakra balancing". I saw the value in the lives of those who were patient and generous enough to let me practice some new skill with them in personal sessions. By 1999, I had been working with teachers and guides in unseen bodies, Spiritual beings, for over 10 years.

There was one detail of energy healing that bothered me. Issues and patterns that were causing pain, guilt, disease, sabotage would be identified and addressed in a session and with affirmations. Then, my friends would go out into the world of their lives and another and then another and then another issue would be triggered. It felt like we were constantly "picking" up the pieces of distorted energy constructs, peeling unending layers and layers of the individual's "onion" which kept them from really soaring with their dreams.

By 1990 had I asked my Spiritual teachers to show me where I could go and learn a healing/transformational modality that would take me to the "cause" of humanity's cycles of distressed energy and experiences. (I thought that it would be a field in which all of an individual's patterns were held, thereby making it possible to identify those flowing out dis-torted fear. In that type of model one would be working at a higher vibrational level, possibly the 5th, 6th or 7 dimension, to identify unplug the fear based issues in mass.) Seemed like a great idea for those who were ready to "heal" quickly and deeply.

"That is not what is being done on the planet," I was told. "If that is what you want to do, we will have to be your teachers and guides."

I quickly agreed.

The rules they set down were:

  1. Read nothing. Do not go to any current material on the planet for answers.
  2. Keep a journal in order to track their information, the impact of their suggestions and to weave what I would learn into a new model.
  3. Work with everyone who came to me as that would be the process to open new questions for understanding.

What I learned as they explained the energy disruptions I saw within individuals; the depth of the "garbage" energy, the cords extending into other dimensions, the entrapments, and more, was a history, journey, and causes far, far beyond what I had ever heard.  There was no one in my life with whom I could share this information ... it was too "far out on the limb" of the currently accepted reality. And yet, as I made the corrections and added supportive processes, my client's lives changed dramatically for the better. The "proof is in the pudding" as is said.

When I saw the first Matrix in 1999, I was shocked. Someone else knew! I almost cried.

At that time, taking the "red" pill was difficult. As my life continued to unfold and I has able to learn more about our forgotten history and use that information with the guidance of those amazing family member in unseen bodies to move my clients out of the "red pill" matrix.

I know that what I was helping to design and create was way beyond "energy healing work and chakra balancing. When I asked my teachers if they had a name for what we were calling forth, they said, "Yes." Of course they would!

"What is it?" I asked.

"R E A N, " came the reply.

"REAN?" didn't make sense to me. I thought that they were joking with me. Later in the day, was I came back to the paper on which I had written the letters. I got it! It was an acronym.
RE Atonement Now.... instant return to our Divine vibrations of Good. Jumping out of the false Matrix energy fields, Now!

Today,  14+ years later I am even more amazed at the journey I was taken on. The information continued to come through, concepts continued to be restored, insights long hidden from humanity being restored and I can say with totally as-surety, The Matrix has been taken down in 90% of all our our worlds.

More than every before..... we are bringing the truth Out of The Shadows!

Monday, March 18, 2013

We Don't Like Your Government.... You We Like.

Masai Warriors-Kenya

For so many years, well actually for many generations, individuals have lived under various domination type systems. In the times when survival required that the village acted quickly and as one, this model of leadership was critical. Invaders were spotted, one leader sounded the cry the the entire village hid, fled or stood to fight. This survival routine is anchored very securely in our lower brain.

When we sense a change, even a subtle one, our brain signals and the loop for survival kicks in. Alert! Fear? Freeze, Flee or Fight.

In such systems, the individual must mold and adapt to what is dictated within the group, usually from the top. In our day, we call it the patriarchal model. When you look around, you see the model everywhere beginning in many homes. Fathers are in charge because he is male, he makes more money, he expects to be obeyed, it is tradition.

And you see it in corporations. Policies are set at the top to accomplish the goal of the top, in most cases, great financial reward. Those in the corporate community are expected to mold and adapt if they want to keep their job. It is not a system that values various voices to either expand the goal or to add policy that would create greater well being for individual workers or a more generous working environment.

You see it in every major religion. In fact, it is in those domains that it is most deeply entrenched. With "god" at the and the physical leader as the one who makes "gods" wishes visible, who can question? Of course the congregation members are expected to mold and adapt themselves to the culture created by the religion.

We have become experts at surviving. We are entrained to mold ourselves to every outside system. We mold ourselves to our religion. We mold ourselves to our work. We mold ourselves to our families. We mold ourselves to our friends.

Where in our lives are we living true to our inner dreams? When was the last time that you sat with yourself to identify your values? In what area of your life would you consider the reflection of "you"?

Instead, we dis-associate.
  •  We dis-associate from our work. "They are so discounting of the employees But, I just keep my head low."
  • We dis-associate from our spiritual community. "They take a hard stand against gays. But, I just keep quiet about my friends who are lesbian."
  • We dis-associate from our relationships. "He is really very jealous. But, I stop going out with my friends and that seems to help."
  • And, we dis-associate from our government.  "The government has drones that are targeting and killing. But, that is not me. That is not what I would do. I am just going to live my life and keep quiet."

We have come to believe, in our twisted state of thinking from our outdated survival model, that the government is not US! We sleep well at night because the horrors brought upon families in other parts of the world by a government that sees "terrorists" everywhere is not in power because of ME! We go about our day of busyness, confident that people in other parts of the world love Americans, they just do not like our government. We are Good. Our government is Bad. We are Stepfords Wives from our generations upon generations training to be good, obedient followers.

We are stuck in the automatic survial loop:
trusting voices other than our own to interrupt signals of difference as danger
not questioning
turn off media and freeze into denial

When we live in such states of dis-association and entrainment, we cannot call yourself enlightened, aware, compassionate, caring, mature, whole. In truth we are living lies. To have any aspect of our life out of sync with our values, our goals, our desires, our dreams, our sense of good, is to be in-congruent, imbalanced, shadows of ourselves. Instead of creating a culture of unity, harmony, equality, thriving, generosity, which is we are are our core, we contribute to the outcome. The outcome is a government, corporations, religions, communities that are fractured and acting our that fracture.

What will it take for us to hear from each other and from other countries, "I love my life and I love my government". "I love you and I love your government"? I suspect it will take citizens who identify their values, honor their sense of good, act to the good of community and then require that all systems in their world do the same. Integrity for what we are as divine beings.

Out of the Shadows certainly is a book that reminds you of a different way to see our "history."