Personal Guidence

An individual matures, she moves from childhood where parents are holders of all truth, to an organization who speaks for god, to other teachers and gurus who "really" know the way. Many stay stuck in the path dictated by others. A mystic remembers that the Divine landscape is Hidden below the forms we see. Stewarded by Beings of love, patience, commitment and integrity, we can each find our truth.

A Mystic's View. May it inspire your journey into the Divine below the forms

Friday, July 19, 2013

We Are All One...

Air Elemental by iriloth2

How many times have you heard or read that?

"We are all One"...

What does that mean to you?

I can tell you how a mystic views "One" and "we are all It"..

As One immense field of conscious entities, at the level of soul we are inseparably connected. We are connected as core qualities, i.e. by One nature of Good, by One nature of intelligence, by One nature of Generosity/Love, by One nature of Vision, by one Nature of Respect. At the soul level of life/consciousness, we contain all that Good is in equal measure, in equal truth, in equal possibilities. As some have said, "We are all of the qualities of the ocean contained in various drops of the ocean water". Another model is breath and Air....Therefore, when a butterfly flaps its wings in one part of the world, there is a ripple felt around the world. When a thought is placed into the soul field, it ripples out to the entire.

At the level of soul, there are no stories, no judgements, no mind chatter, no assumptions, no inserted ideas or ideologies. When 'you' sit in the stillness, quiet in body, mind and emotion, 'you' taste the One soul nature which you are. Right? 

Beyond the inserted stories, concepts, ideologies that cause confusion, chaos, fear, lack and blame, the soul level flow of life force exists. The Oneness of the flow is the constant. It does not change. It does not cease. It does not bow to external stories, 'leaders', 'authority' voices, disruptive situations or doubts. The flow of our field of Oneness just IS all aspects of Good. There is no aspect within our nature of One to judge, control, dominate, dictate or withhold. Oneness as a Life Force flows, allows, witnesses, is constant, ever present with all possibilities of Good. We were filled with the breath of Good, the experience of One, of Isness. Our collective choice was to slow our life force frequencies in order to experience Isness more direct ways. 

We, humanity, are certainly on an adventure. The adventure was well defined as we began... to experience, directly and vicariously, any aspect of our nature. That is it... to experience any aspect of Good that we chose, for as long as we chose. And, to witness and vicariously experience aspects chosen by other of our co-conscious entities. In that agenda there is certainly a built in end result of diversity! Also built-in is respect and honor and excitement for diversity. 

To experience various possible Goods requires confidence in our knowing and freedom to change. To vicariously experience what others chose requires listening, observing, allowing, deeply enough to 'taste' the aspect of Good indirectly.

No place in our Nature of One, of Good is there space for what we see in the world today. No place in our Agenda to experience Good is there need for the external voices to 'dictate', 'control', or 'save' us. Our agenda did not include fear of differences, judgement for differences, or expectation that we would all be in the same aspect.  There was no concept that indicated that we/humanity, were sinful. All of those ideas have come about because we began to listen to external voices whose agenda was domination. Over the length of our adventure, we forgot our Nature and that experiencing aspects of Good contained in Oneness was ours. 

And so why is our Earth life so difficult? And how do we dream awake the bones of ourselves? 

Stay tuned...

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