Personal Guidence

An individual matures, she moves from childhood where parents are holders of all truth, to an organization who speaks for god, to other teachers and gurus who "really" know the way. Many stay stuck in the path dictated by others. A mystic remembers that the Divine landscape is Hidden below the forms we see. Stewarded by Beings of love, patience, commitment and integrity, we can each find our truth.

A Mystic's View. May it inspire your journey into the Divine below the forms

Monday, October 6, 2014

A Deeper View on Depression

{Just a few years ago it was known that depressions was a result of non-action. At that time, those in depression looked into their life to find the place where action was needed. This information explains what has happened to create an epidemic of depression.}

Background: As you know, I work with many who have thought of suicide as a way out of depression. Understanding this epidemic at a deeper level in order to unravel this pervasive condition is high on my list of priorities.
When I asked my Spiritual Guides, The Ancient Ones, what, in general, is the cause of the expanding epidemic of depression and suicide that we are seeing in our country. I was told that it is 100% parasitic* created.
As a result I asked to have a conversation with them about depression. Here is our conversation. My questions are colored and in brackets.

September 27, 2014

{Let's begin with what you see and know from your perspective.}
The byproduct of parasitic existence is an exhaust/vapor much like free-radicals are the byproduct of activities of the human body. It permeates and extends into space like air. As parasitic beings and what they have created are ferreted out, identified, neutralized and removed, this energy still exists within the energy fields of the Greater Family. We can shield against parasitics and their creations because they have substance. The byproduct is like a vaporous dust and acts like a virus to contaminate all around it. The exhaust that is produced becomes a "virus-like" element that spreads into all space to infect the masses.
{During a conversation with a colleague, she explained that from current research and brain imagining it is becoming clear that the survival brain activities in depressed individuals has been "locked down" into only one option; freeze. Fight and flight are not available. I asked about this.}
{My question: What happens to lock the survival brain into freeze?}
It is different for each individual and the commonality is a "shock and awe" experience... and of course, the parasitics create the "shock and awe" situations or events.
"Shock and awe" impacts causal chakra, locks down the survival brain, quickly shuts down chemical production. The chemical shutdown creates chemical imbalance and causes the psyche to self-correct through food, drugs, sex, work, etc. 

{Like a "deer in the headlight" experience?}
Yes. There is also a secondary which is a parasitic implant that locks the shock/freeze mechanism in place. It doesn't to that within each human body. The lock is not considered a created form with substance and is often overlooked.
In addition, the "virus" will cause a spread of inaction by its presence in air/space. 
{What needs to happen for the survival brain to be unlocked?}
Ask and we have the tools and protocol to unlock and repair.
{Can the team for restoring the survival brain be integrated in the Sacred Ground protocol with enough impact for restoration?}
{So, this lock down stops the survival actions of flee or fight. Therefore, it stops the production of certain chemicals causing a chemical imbalance in the brain and prevents cells from speaking to one another within the brain and body?}
Right and that also needs to be restored, stimulated and activated.
Ebola is an example of a mass "shock and awe" created by the parasitics. There will be some lock downs during that situation.
{This is such an immense, world-wide condition that we cannot make the change if we are required to do it one person at a time. We have to do it on a global scale. Can that be done?}
Yes, we are set up to do the recovery that way. We are calling it the Brain Recovery project. We are not sure what you will see as we have not done this work before. We suggest that we begin and then track the changes.

Let's consider what is needed:
1. Continue the Parasitic Removal Protocol
2. Correct the causal chakra
3. Unlock and restore the survival brain
4. Activate, stimulate and balance the chemical system
5. Broadcast extensively "anti-biotics" to attach to and neutralize the virus-like exhaust particles
6. Initial deep cleansing/vacuuming of all space
7. Activate the TAG Matrixes within all worlds to attain Resonance with our Original vibration of One/Source. 
{I want to see what conscious participation for the individuals involved such as reality shift work, brain balance, session? Can it be done powerfully with only the Higher Self as the participant?}
Is that what you would like?
 Then create it that way.
{So be it!}

In taking back the Greater Family and deepening our Divine stewardship, I was reminded that the first step is always to call for the end result... Define and Design Space...

I see this work necessary for our self, our families and for Earth/Galactic family.

Step 1: use these statements for your life:

  • I Define and Design the Space for our Greater Family:
  • The space in which the family lives and moves is Sacred Ground with all protocols and teams activated with authority and graceful integration.
  • Sacred Ground Space exists and anyone who delights in the qualities of Good, abundance, joy,  play, generosity, creativity, discernment, etc. are drawn in like magnets.
  • No energy, creation or being that is unlike Sacred Ground and qualities of Good can enter our Greater Family Space on Earth and Beyond.
  • All contracts, cords, devices, implants, vapors of parasitic nature that still exist within any members of my family are NOW ferreted out, identified, neutralized and removed back to home of origin including all Galactic Family/Turn Coat energy fields.
  • I activate and intensify the Brain Recovery on every member of each family units, deeply reconstructing the brain and cell chemical communication.
  • Each family member is firmly anchored in their personal life mission of experiencing directly or vicariously any aspect of Good.
  • The Good of our family member's dreams comes to them with full support, abundance and meaning.
  • There are NO parasitics “behind” or working through our family members in any part of their life, space, fields or world.
And So Be IT!
We do what we do because we love doing what we do, it reflects our values of Good .... and I trust that this deepening will made definite changes for our selves, families and world. 

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