Personal Guidence

An individual matures, she moves from childhood where parents are holders of all truth, to an organization who speaks for god, to other teachers and gurus who "really" know the way. Many stay stuck in the path dictated by others. A mystic remembers that the Divine landscape is Hidden below the forms we see. Stewarded by Beings of love, patience, commitment and integrity, we can each find our truth.

A Mystic's View. May it inspire your journey into the Divine below the forms

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

E is for Earth and Evolution

LIfe brings experiences of Light and Dark

This morning I looked back over the week and made a list of the "negative" that I was noticing. Some would caution me not to notice.
Really? You probably know that I am a bit of a rebel and so, here goes...

Greed, competition, winning at any cost, war as a way to peace, "right" leader will save us, incomplete without a partner, rape culture, depression, "us" against "them" mentality, suffer in silence, the victim is at fault, obedience is golden, humans are cancers on the Earth, hundredth monkey theory, Stepford wives, Stockholm syndrome, participating in our own destruction, domination, usury, power corrupts, children killing others.

Some call the ongoing disease, abuse, wars, and terrorists the “earth Experience’. Actually, they are the results of stories we live within.

We are cautioned:
Don’t fill you mind with negative, turn off the TV, Don’t speak of your pain or you will bring more to you, change your mind will change your life, something is wrong with me, put on a happy face, don’t get angry, anger isn’t pretty, keep your heart open, god is in charge, god needed my loved one home, stay small.

I am shocked at what has become the ”normal” Earth experience. I hesitated to publish the list.Then I realized that you will recognize and could probably add to the list. 

Would you add:
Never enough money, crazy decisions by political leaders, toxic food, food stripped of nutrients, ethnicities pitted against one another, Koch brothers type control, exhaustion, cancer, depression chemical dependence, external “saviors:, happy when…, discounting and prosecution of truth-tellers,

Perhaps seeing such lists will shock us when we see it in one place in black and white. Maybe it should.

I had a client say to me last week, I don’t understand why my life is filled with so much struggle and pain.”


If there are energy concepts that cause diminishing of life force, they will be made visible. That is the purpose of Earth life. 

So that we can be trapped in the forms?
To make you aware that there are ideas, concepts, agendas in our energy fields, values and ideas whose cultures and actions will diminish the life of our Greater Soul Family. This type of agenda is “evil” because of its impact of our Family.

Manifestation was designed into this Earth experience in order to make the hidden agendas visible. Not so that we would normalize and live under those agendas that are detrimental or “evil” for our Greater Family. Manifestation is not for the purpose of improving our finances or finding parking places. It is so that those agendas of “evil” could no longer hide. In making agenda detrimental to the web of life visible, the Greater Family of Good had planned to command their removal.

Instead, you have been duped into thinking that something is wrong with YOU! That you need to work harder, to evolve, become something worthy of Good. The purpose of Earth’s life is to see and remove “evil” and instead you react to your seeing of "evil" by complaining, denying, begging, killing each other, dulling yourselves, looking for the "one", and turning off the very information sources that could keep you aware. Sources such as media, whistle blowers, internet, and cries from those within the great despair of the manifested forms.

Evolution is not what Earth is about. Stepping into your true magnificence, owning your present power, taking back your space, ownership of your body suits, your family's security and claiming what the Great Family already is: All Good. And then acting from discernment of what is destroying that Good to say, “Not in my life, family or world” to all forms that entrap, destroy, torture, life, occupy, discount, your Good.

There are three agendas at play on the Earth:
  • Family of Good
  • Outsiders of Domination/Dark, Negative
  • Outsiders of Usury/ causing Dark, Negative

They each have very different value systems. Their behaviors are not about evolution. Three separate species with different goals. With the outsiders removed, the true nature of our Greater Family will emerge from their values of benevolence because their nature is Good!

This world was created by our Divine Family. Manifestation was included in order to make Domination and Usury visible. Included in order to make the other two agendas visible in order for our Greater Family to identify and remove them.

The age old question:
Why do bad things happen to Good people?

The answer:
So that all Good people will see, know there are energy agendas of domination and usury in the unseen.

To command the removal of outside societies with their agendas that diminish our family  back to their home planets.
Mission to Release Energies to Manifest Good
Earth is primarily a Mission Planet; to Identify and Remove all energy of domination, usury, that is destroying our web of life.

Are you in a physical body suit?
Then you are on Mission here….

Claiming and anchoring this reframe of yourself and "negativity" will allow you to leap from the boxes created by outsiders. You can use the Reality Shift Process as it is a powerful process to design, transform and release your life.

Here are two Reality Statements you may want to try:

  • My personal life reflects the Divine agenda of my Soul family as I directly experience the various aspects of Good, Love and Thriving.
  • I claim and own the power and ultimate authority in my life.
  • In my Earth mission, I clearly see Evil and effectively have it neutralized and removed to its home of origin.

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