Personal Guidence

An individual matures, she moves from childhood where parents are holders of all truth, to an organization who speaks for god, to other teachers and gurus who "really" know the way. Many stay stuck in the path dictated by others. A mystic remembers that the Divine landscape is Hidden below the forms we see. Stewarded by Beings of love, patience, commitment and integrity, we can each find our truth.

A Mystic's View. May it inspire your journey into the Divine below the forms

Saturday, August 25, 2012

New Choices, New Challanges

It has been10 days since I have posted a new article. Trust me, those days were spent in active contemplation, review and rethinking.
What started the whole process was the "win" I wrote about in the last post. I had simply written down the specifications of a home for myself and my classes on Whidbey Island, WA.
Six weeks later..... there it was and more!

One hitch.... I had not written that it had to be funded.
I am thankful for some excellent counselors/friends/daughters who could listen to the entire adventure and then suggest questions.

"What if you stayed where you are?"
"Is there another way to experience what you are visioning?"
"Is there another step that ought to come before the move?"
"Is what you have to offer unique enough to have value?"
"Are there individuals interested in learning and/or applying what you have to share?"

And on and on... including the question I had for myself,
"What about my communications with the real estate agent gave the solid impression that I was ready to act instantly?"
"Would it serve me to sharpen up my communication skills?"
"Why do I think I have to do everything alone?"
"Do I?"
"Why am I not thinking of retiring rather than starting an entire expanded career?"

So you see, my time has been a bit busy with the process. Thank goodness I had the time!

I really acknowledge that I declared what I wanted and the greater Good of our Divine Family worked to get it to me. A BIG Thanks! was due them.

And then it was back to the drawing board to add reality to the mix. First step, design the curriculum that I want to offer. I noticed my reluctance to pull out all of the plugs and speak boldly about what I have to share. So, I am in what I have termed a "Crisis Awareness Walk". That means that I am moving up enough levels that there are hidden issues and patterns coming up very regularly. It has been many years since I have worked several hours a week on my own personal sabotage. That only happens when major changes are happening.

So it is for me right now. It is for this very purpose that I have done the spiritual research over the past 20+ years and created the processes in the journey. Without intense and consistent attention to what is screaming at me to "Stop!", I will not get to the expanded place I want to be.

The same is true for everyone I have known. You can live a comfortable life, read books, go to a workshop, do some affirmations and your life may remain semi-comfortable for a time. And when you are faced with life or death illness, tragedy, or the desire to expand into your dreams,  you ought to be prepared to be consistent with all of the fear, sadness, sabotage, unworthiness that comes up. That is when you most need a spiritual team and an integrated protocol. Over the years, I have seen others who intended to make major leaps in their lives. They did not have the understanding or tools to keep the old patterns from coming up and stopping them. I am prepared for this "crisis walk".

Where will I be in 6 months and what will I be doing?

In nature, working with amazing individuals who are taking life head on, participating in the changes our world needs and loving my expanded career. How? Don't know nor can I. What will it look like? Don't know and am not worried.

One step at a time and the first step is to clear anything in me that reflects, "You can not!"


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