Personal Guidence

An individual matures, she moves from childhood where parents are holders of all truth, to an organization who speaks for god, to other teachers and gurus who "really" know the way. Many stay stuck in the path dictated by others. A mystic remembers that the Divine landscape is Hidden below the forms we see. Stewarded by Beings of love, patience, commitment and integrity, we can each find our truth.

A Mystic's View. May it inspire your journey into the Divine below the forms

Monday, January 18, 2016

The Drawing that Activated it All.. Be Involved!

You can get this information via video or read below.

Everything has an energy vibration, When your are feeling content, full of joy, loving, your presence sings those chord harmonics and others feel and respond to them

Most individuals respond without considering why.

You are a pillar broadcasting joy and others respond.

Conversely, when you are experiencing pain, sadness, fear, your presence sends those discordant harmonics and others respond. Some move away from the discomfort, whole others are drawn closer.  If those who draw closer have similar emotions, your own discomfort may expand. Your field of pain is made larger, those with similar pain justify each other and an energy community if created. Some who are attracted to those in pain come to take advantage of the imbalance. Let’s call them hitch hikers or outsiders. Their intent is to feed off of the pain and to use their skills to manipulate the situation for their own advantage.
Human life has its ebb and flow, times of joy and times of sadness. Wisdom comes in to suggest understanding how to recognize your personal energy, its broadcasting, and how to assure your Good even at those time when you personal pain is triggered. 

One way is to create safe energy space that remains stable even when you are imbalanced.
Here’s how you can create Sacred, Sovereign space.

It begins with your choice to do so.
Here are the steps:
Say it is so:
  • My Sacred Space of is stable and consistent. It surrounds me like a crystalline cocoon holding me in All Vibrations of Good.

Choice the qualities of the energy field by completing this statement:
  • My Sacred Space contains the qualities of:

Then gather some river/nature/garden stones with the intention that they represent your guardians.
You are going to create a Sacred Space and it can be created in your home, garden, office and in imagine anywhere you would like.

Here are the steps:
  • Create the circle
  • place something that will represent you into the center
  • Imagine two glowing circles of Light surrounding the stone circle. One will attract teachers to assist you in your journey of growth
  • One will repeal all who would harm
  • Next ask that the vibrations of the Red Rock Vortex of protection, healing and balance surround the entire space.
You can add anything else that you would like, candles, pictures, items from nature, etc.

This is your personal point of Good, Healing and Protection. Declare that your Space is a part of the Greater amazing network of the Ancients.

Be involved:
  • You might imagine yourself leaning up against a tree, sitting within a secret chamber of the pyramid, or within the circle of a Stonehenge and fill yourself with the hum of the vibrations. 
  • You are the activator. You create the focus. And the entire system responds.

Who would have guessed?

The end? NO! 

More Codes to come…

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