Personal Guidence

An individual matures, she moves from childhood where parents are holders of all truth, to an organization who speaks for god, to other teachers and gurus who "really" know the way. Many stay stuck in the path dictated by others. A mystic remembers that the Divine landscape is Hidden below the forms we see. Stewarded by Beings of love, patience, commitment and integrity, we can each find our truth.

A Mystic's View. May it inspire your journey into the Divine below the forms

Friday, June 1, 2012

I Decided to Try What?

2 years old and all is well

As a young child I must have driven my parents a bit crazy with my questions because one thing I remember my father saying to me was, "Sharon, you know what curiosity did.... ". I think it was a way to gently stop my questions. And it was effective.

My attention was focused on life options for girls that my community held. I took over the yard maintenance to earn church awards. I tended children to practice "mommyhood". I avoided any "appearance of evil" which meant that I interacted with other children in our church community and did not question ideas or rock the boat.
Actually, my childhood was rather simple and easy. I didn't sense the limits imposed on girls and women as restrictive. I didn't know that being groomed to be a wife, mother, maybe a teacher or nurse to serve others, stopped any personal ideas, extensive use of my mind and my creative potential. My world was small and I was unaware. I did not wonder about angels, spiritual guides, personal growth, or my purpose in life. My purpose was to listen to the men as they knew what "god" had in mind for me.
It was in the fall of 1970. Perhaps, after 10 years of changing diapers I was a bit bored and my curiosity resurfaced. I did not know that I was in a walled world when I served that pie and ice cream to my husband and his friend.
What the friend had to share was really very easy to remember. I didn't even need to rush from the room to write it down. However, before going to bed, I did.

Simple instructions:
  1. Decide on a time and place where you can have quiet and be alone for about one hour. Take a notebook and pen with you into this space.
  2. Read the scriptures until you feel your mind move from the busyness of your everyday focus to one of calm.
  3. Kneel down and tell "god" all that you want "him" to know. Get everything off of our chest.
  4. Then, ask "him" one question. This is a question you will want to get ready before hand.
  5. Sit quietly as if you are listening on a phone for the person on the other end of the line to talk.
  6. Write down everything that comes into your mind.
Well, those were the steps. The ones that I added because I was a woman:
  1. Only ask questions about my role as mother.
  2. Read the answers with these questions in mind, "Is this something that I would expect to hear from Christ?" and "If I apply this directive, would it create greater love and compassion?"
I gathered myself into the quiet of a free afternoon, followed the process and Magic! It was like a floodgate opened. Words filled my head faster than I could write!

What was surprising is that when my husband tried, he was met with only silence.

That afternoon was only the beginning. I learned so much along the way that I would like to share, to encourage and to shorten your journey back to your Soul. We need those connections in our world today.



  1. Sharon, I am filled with gratitude for your sharing of your story. The importance that your story will have upon the women of this world will be life changing for them.... Thank you for your courage and commitment to us/US.

    1. Thanks my dear friend... keep sharing your amazing self also!

  2. No wonder you raised a daughter {Aondrea} with such chutzpa. Such an insightful and inspiring to-do list, regardless of one's faith.

    ~Ao's studiomate, Rebecca

    1. Thanks R... It certainly rises above faith and yet includes it.

  3. ...also curiosity might have killed the cat....but it came back...the very next day. ;) Hooray for curiosity.


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